the big 40

Yes, I officially hit the big four oh today and I feel content with life.  I never thought about hitting this magical number so soon and now it’s here, I feel a sense of peace and serenity.

I was born on a beautiful rainy day. 40 years later, a crack of thunder and I hear the slow raining drops starting to fall as if the sky is celebrating for me.

A quick look back in the last fourth year… I was a wild child surrounded by love and care from my grandparents; moved back with my parents at age of 7 only to say goodbye to my dad a year later as he left China to study in the USA; moved to Canada to reunit with my dad at age of 12; I got my first job at age of 16 working at KFC and  CompuSmart; 18 I moved out on my own and paid for my own schooling; 23 had my car accident; 24 returned to U of A and 26 got my degree; 27 started working as a quadriolegic; 30 worked for DC Comics; 34 found freedom and a stronger self ; 36 ascended Ha Ling Mountain; 38 became the first quadriplegic  to wheel on the Great Wall of China and met my future husband; 39 did my first TedX and had a baby named Alexander Thor.. and now I’m 40….

Overall, I had a fantastic 40 years and I feel more pumped than ever to continue to redefine impossible, quadriplegic and now as a wife and mother… cheers for the next 40 years.